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Moodle Plugin Test Drive

MEDIAL for Moodle: Taking the Test Drive

Below are instructions on how to install the Moodle Plugin and use this in conjunction with our trial MEDIAL instance. This provides you with an experience identical to running the Plugin with your own MEDIAL instance without having to install MEDIAL on your network or purchase MEDIAL. It is perfect for organizations looking to test drive the Plugin and later either run MEDIAL in the Cloud  or install MEDIAL on premise


1. Download the MEDIAL Moodle Plugin Set - click here


2. Unzip the contents of the zip file


3. There will be five zip files, labelled "1 -" ,"2 -", "3 -", "4 -" and "5 -"


4. Unzip "1 -"


5. Once unzipped there should be a folder called "helixmedia"












6. Copy this folder into the mod directory of your Moodle installation (htdocs/mod)


7. Log in to Moodle as an Administrator and Upgrade the Moodle Database when prompted






8. Unzip "2 -"


9. Once unzipped there will be a folder called "helixassign"










10. Copy this folder into the assign directory of your Moodle installation (htdocs/mod/assign/submission)


11. Log in to Moodle as an Administrator and Upgrade the Moodle Database when prompted


12. Then, unzip "3 -" (if using ATTO editor) OR "4 -" (if using TinyMCE editor). Once unzipped there will be a folder called "helixatto" (if using ATTO) and "helixmedia" (if using TinyMCE)


(NOTE: To define or discover the default editor type for your Moodle instance (either ATTO or TinyMCE))


Go to: Home / ► Site administration / ► Plugins / ► Text editors / ► Manage editors


13. Copy the "helixmedia" folder into htdocs/lib/editor/tinymce/plugins (if using TinyMCE) or the "helixatto" folder into htdocs/moodle/lib/editor/atto/plugins (if using ATTO)

14. Log in to Moodle as an Administrator and Upgrade the Moodle Database when prompted


15. If using ATTO - to make the MEDIAL button appear on the Editor

Go to:  Home / ► Site administration / ► Plugins / ► Text editors / ► Atto HTML editor / ► Atto toolbar settings


And, add the highlighted item (including the comma) to your configuration:

collapse = collapse
style1 = title, bold, italic
list = unorderedlist, orderedlist
links = link
files = image, media, managefiles, helixatto
style2 = underline, strike, subscript, superscript
align = align
indent = indent
insert = equation, charmap, table, clear
undo = undo
accessibility = accessibilitychecker, accessibilityhelper
other = html


16. If using TinyMCE - to make the MEDIAL button apear on the Editor


Go to: Home / ► Site administration / ► Plugins / ► Text editors / ► TinyMCE HTML editor / ► General settings


And, add the highlighted item (including the comma) to your configuration:


wrap,formatselect,wrap,bold,italic,wrap,bullist,numlist,wrap,link,unlink,wrap,image, helixmedia

17. Unzip "".


It contains a folder called helixfeedback.



18. Copy this folder to the following directory on your Moodle installation: htdocs/mod/assign/feedback

19. Log in to Moodle as an Administrator and Upgrade the Moodle Database when prompted




Configuring the Plugin:


1. Log in the Moodle as Administrator


2. Navigate to Site Administration > Plugins > Plugins Overview


3. Click on Settings where you see the "mod_helixmedia" plugin


















4. Type in URL, key and secret that was issued to your over e-mail, into the settings page



















5. Click Save at base of page









Testing the Plugin:


1. Log in as a Teacher and Navigate to a Course Page



2. Click Turn Editing On



3. Click Add and Activity or Resource



4. Select Assignment from the Activity List



5. Type in Name of Assignment and the click on MEDIAL button on Editor



6. A new window will launch that will allow you to upload a new video item

7. Complete Upload process

8. Your new Media item will appear in the Text Editor area

9. Click Save and Return to Course at base of page



The Plugin can also be used by Students to make video submissions in response to Video Assignments set by Teachers, see video content here to see how this is achieved





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